Posted by: spiritteacher | May 22, 2024


“I am entitled to miracles. Let miracles replace all grievances.”A Course In Miracles

“I will accept my miracles today.”

I am entitled to miracles, large and small, that color my world and make me smile. 

I am entitled to everything I need. Even when I don’t know exactly what that is, there is a living, breathing Life inside me that knows for me. 

I am entitled to perfect health; health of mind and body and spirit.

I am entitled to perfect safety even when the world feels unsafe.

I am entitled to happiness, the kind that never changes and never leaves.

I am entitled to unlimited abundance that is shared by all.  

I am entitled to joy that lights my eyes, lifts my heart and brings me peace.

I am entitled to a calm and quiet state of mind that lives sanely within me even when the world looks insane.

I am entitled to love,        

relationship love    family love   friendship love

And the other Love that comes from deep within my soul and is my gift from a Source that is greater than me.  

I will see all this as soon as I remember, believe and trust in the holiness within me.


Let our prayer be for healing and health and safety for all the world. Let us ask for help with kindness and love and trust to generate the health and wellness, safety and peace of mind we want for every man, woman and child on earth. And then let us be grateful and say Thank You, God!

 “A happy outcome to all things is sure.” A Course In Miracles

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