Posted by: spiritteacher | June 27, 2024


“I will step back and let God lead the way. Love leads so gladly.” A Course In Miracles

In God our way is clear and the smile of confidence on our face fills our being giving us these thoughts, “Lead on Holy Source of all things Good. Lead on.”

And we say, “I am ready for my real life. I am ready to experience my truth. I am ready to leave fear and guilt behind and to let true forgiveness change the course of my path.”

“I am ready to be, not just at peace, but a teacher of peace. a candle in the darkness, a rainbow after the storm, a mountain climbed, a holy ocean tamed.”

 “My head is high, my heart is flooded with the joy of intention and my only thoughts are those I think with You.”

“Dear God, please give me my thoughts. Tell me what to do and what to say and where to be.”

 “Lead on. I get it now. My happiness is in my following my path, Your path for me. I take Your hand and with deep gratitude I say, Lead On! And with even deeper gratitude and absolute trust, I must humbly follow.”


Let our prayer be for healing and health and safety for all the world. Let us ask for help with kindness and love and trust to generate the health and wellness, safety and peace of mind we want for every man, woman and child on earth. And then let us be grateful and say Thank You, God!

 “A happy outcome to all things is sure.” A Course In Miracles     

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