Posted by: spiritteacher | June 23, 2024


“A healed mind does not plan. It carries out the plans that it receives through listening to wisdom that is not its own.” A Course In Miracles

“I am ready to follow Someone Else’s Plan today.”

We can deny our truth, our own light, God’s presence and our beautiful blessed spirit all we want.  But we can’t make them go away.  The moment we are ready, there they are quietly waiting to lift us up and carry us to new heights of wonder, joyous freedom and absolute delight. All this, without any effort or planning on our part. All we need is the willingness to recognize them and accept them.

Our little willingness and God will do the rest. He has a Plan far greater than our own.


Let our prayer be for healing and health and safety for all the world. Let us ask for help with kindness and love and trust to generate the health and wellness, safety and peace of mind we want for every man, woman and child on earth. And then let us be grateful and say Thank You, God!

 “A happy outcome to all things is sure.” A Course In Miracles     

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