Posted by: spiritteacher | June 17, 2024

REACH OUT 6/18/24

“My holiness shines bright and clear today.” A Course In Miracles

“With God guiding me, I will reach out to others today.”

If someone seems unloveable, love them more.

If someone speaks another language, understand them deeper.

If someone worships another religion, respect their right to know God in their own way.

If someone seems different, know in their heart they are the same.

If someone looks hungry, offer to feed them.

If someone is afraid, comfort them.

If someone is sick, pray for them.

If someone is lonely, befriend them.

If someone seems angry, bless them.

If you are afraid, sick, hungry, lonely or angry, reach out for help.

Don’t act out, reach out.

Reach out and find God’s loving arms reaching back and providing all the help you need.  

Hope lives in simple thoughts and kind acts. Hope lives in knowing you can ask for help and God provides it.  When you help another, you help yourself.


Let our prayer be for healing and health and safety for all the world. Let us ask for help with kindness and love and trust to generate the health and wellness, safety and peace of mind we want for every man, woman and child on earth. And then let us be grateful and say Thank You, God!

 “A happy outcome to all things is sure.” A Course In Miracles     

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