Posted by: spiritteacher | June 20, 2024


“Be comforted, and feel God watching
over you in love and perfect confidence in what He sees. … it is impossible the
confidence of God should be misplaced.” A Course In Miracles

“My true validation comes from God.”

We cannot allow ourselves to be defined by other people’s opinions.
Self confidence is seeing other’s opinions of us without judgment or attachment
and being able to say to ourselves calmly and kindly, without
emotional investment, “Well, that’s their opinion. And the opinions of others
are none of my business.” This is done with a calm and quiet mind and a
compassionate heart.

Very few people in this world are not affected by the judgments of
others.  Almost everyone feels they need to be validated by an outside
source. When they’re not validated they feel bad about themselves and when they
are they feel good about themselves. The problem with that is that other
people’s opinions are about them and not us at all. Each one of us brings
judgments and perceptions from our own past experiences which color our way of
seeing.  Our judgments can even change from moment to moment depending
upon our mood, our level of restfulness, our own sense of value or lack thereof
and a myriad of other conditions.  And some will judge us one way and
others the opposite.

In this sense it’s clear that counting on someone else’s judgment as
a way to define us is to ride a crazy roller coaster that is being controlled
by someone outside of us who has their own lessons and issues. This is true
whether we’re talking about a job interview, a workplace situation or
a personal relationship. To be truly happy we have to get off that roller
coaster and let God be our Guide and our Holy Validator.  That is true
validation and it comes from an Inside Source.

God always validates us lovingly.


Let our prayer be for healing and health and safety for all the world. Let us ask for help with kindness and love and trust to generate the health and wellness, safety and peace of mind we want for every man, woman and child on earth. And then let us be grateful and say Thank You, God!

 “A happy outcome to all things is sure.” A Course In Miracles     

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