Posted by: spiritteacher | June 18, 2024


“Let us be still and listen for the truth.” A Course In Miracles

“I am misting my life with Love today.”

As we would mist a precious plant, let us mist the space before us with the holy Love that lives within us and then we will walk through it with the divinity of Angels. As we do this, we can see through the light of our inner vision that our thoughts are lifted from fear and darkness into light and replaced with healing. 

Now, let us stay here today, leaving all doubt behind and knowing that no matter how it looks or how it feels, God’s in charge and guiding us on our perfect path.  If we leave the path for a time, we need only take God’s hand and He will bring us back to Him. It’s all about surrendering our life to God and then trusting that He is really here working only for our good. In this way we are misting our lives with Love today. And  the essence of peace and calm will follow us everywhere we go. And we will learn from our mistakes.

Now, let us mist the world and all our brothers and sisters with this same love knowing we are One. Let’s allow divisiveness and dissension to be transformed into gratitude and love for every man, woman and child as we remember we have a greater purpose.  That purpose is healing. That purpose is remembering the truth. We are all God’s glorious creations.


Let our prayer be for healing and health and safety for all the world. Let us ask for help with kindness and love and trust to generate the health and wellness, safety and peace of mind we want for every man, woman and child on earth. And then let us be grateful and say Thank You, God!

 “A happy outcome to all things is sure.” A Course In Miracles     

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